Mount Pleasant Senior Living 2021-22

www. Char l es tonRet i rementL i v i ng. com | www.MPSen i or L i v i ng. com senior living 19 While their moments together have changed from little kid fun to big kid interests, Ginny and Mike still remain two of their grands’ biggest cheerleaders and enjoy seeing their grandkids when their busy schedules permit, even for just a short time. They always part ways with a “love you more” or a “love you to the moon and back,” their traditional family goodbyes. L i sa and Gar y Gremi l l i on a l l dres sed up and ready for Fi sh or Treat at the South Caro l i na Aquar i um wi th the i r grandk i ds . We take passion in combining local ingredients to curate customboxes, grazing boards, corporate gifting and table options for every occasion. Ask about our interactive cheeseboard classes! [email protected] (901) 238-0297 642 Coleman Boulevard • Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 843.856.9277 ® the very best for baby Make some room in your closet and make some cash! BRING US YOUR LUXURY ITEMS SHOP & CONSIGN TODAY! 624 LONG POINT RD. BELLE HALL SHOPPING CENTER @butterflyconsignmentboutique FOLLOW US FOR DAILY FABULOUS FINDS: MOUNT PLEASANT (843)884-8577 Photo prov i ded.