Mount Pleasant Senior Living 2021-22

www. Char l es tonRet i rementL i v i ng. com | www.MPSen i or L i v i ng. com senior living 23 Zimmerman told of his recent experience with the EMS. He said he was in the waiting room at a veterinarian with his dachshund Daisy when he started feeling quite faint. The vet cardiologist rushed out to check on him while the staff called 911. First the firefighters arrived and stabilized him, recounted Zimmerman. Then, the EMS paramedics trundled him into their ambulance-truck and took him on “a bumpy ride” to the Roper Hospital emergency room. And what about little Daisy? The veterinarians took care of the pet until Zimmerman’s wife could come get her. Fortunately, after several tests in the ER, which found nothing amiss, he was sent home. Abrams said that trip-and-falls are one of the most common accidents that EMS encounters with both locals and visitors. Downtown Charleston’s sidewalks are notorious, of course, but he added that throw rugs at home are also risky. Bathrooms are prime locations for falls, though grab bars and handrails can help. Special operations teams are called in where the patient is in an inaccessible or dangerous location. Bike teams are used at large events like the Cooper Bridge Run where an ambulance can’t get access. You can spot them in their yellow shirts and black and white helmets. These capable medics can make the difference between life and death. By theNumbers 60,000+ Emergency calls in 2020 regarding incidents in the county 7,000 Emergency calls in 2020within Mount Pleasant $24.30 Starting hourly rate for medical technicians A Stand-Alone Memory Care Community. Come see what makes us different! Serving those with Alzheimer’s and other related conditions. We are a member of the JEA Senior Living family of assisted living communities. JEA is committed to being the leader in providing quality personal services for our residents while honoring the experience of aging. 843.216.1001 1025 Hungryneck Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Call for a free tour!