Mount Pleasant Senior Living 2021-22

www. Char l es tonRet i rementL i v i ng. com | www.MPSen i or L i v i ng. com senior living 27 medicines. Of course, compounded medications still require a prescription. “Anything we compound has to be prescribed from a licensed physician,” Sherbert pointed out. When selecting a compounding pharmacy, Feldman emphasized the importance of understanding that “not all compounding pharmacies are the same” and some are unaccredited. State boards of pharmacy oversee compounding pharmacies, not the FDA. In South Carolina, that regulating body is DHEC. DHEC stipulates certain requirements for compounding, including having a special room for combining ingredients and specific training. Feldman advised researching pharmacies certified through the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB), a compounding specific voluntary accreditation program that requires “adherence to rigorous safety standards.” Pitt Street Pharmacy has a full lab where they store their chemicals and combine ingredients, and masks, gloves and hair nets are worn to keep the areas clean and maintain employee safety. They are part of the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA), a highly accredited organization providing resources and support to compounding pharmacies. Sherbert called compounding pharmacies a great resource for people to explore the variety of options available. “We can play the middleman between the physician and the patient,” she said. Photo prov i ded by Pi t t S t ree t Pharmac y. 929 Bowman Road Suite 400 843-730-4124 With thorough evaluations, spine-specific physical therapy, and targeted interventional procedures when necessary, the team at Signe Spine & Rehab, LLC helps patients eliminate pain and get their lives back on track using a diagnostic approach to find the root of the problem. - Competitive transparent pricing - Committed to finding the source of your pain - Low flat rate initial evaluation - Personalized treatment plans - Save hundreds compared to competitors - even out of network Why SSR? Call our office to hear how much you can save TODAY “Dr. Nemeth thoroughly reviewed my situation with me and explained the options for solving my pain issues.” Sharon T. Neck and Back Pain Joint Pain Sciatica Conditions Joint Injections Epidural Steriod Injections Radiofrequency Ablation Treatments