Mount Pleasant Senior Living 2021-22

www. Char l es tonRet i rementL i v i ng. com | www.MPSen i or L i v i ng. com senior living 3 843 400 4050 Sa yHe l l o@Gr an i t eB r i dgeWea l t h . com wealth management • financial planning • insurance Securities offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. 290 West Mount Pleasant Ave., Suite 2300, Livingston, NJ 07039 (973) 716-7581. Moving our clients beyond success to significance. WeALtH MANAGeMeNt Aligning the most well-suited investment strategies with your personal goals and portfolio needs. F INANC I AL PLANNING taking a holistic look at your financial picture to develop a plan that encompasses your unique needs, goals and lifestyle. INSuRANCe PLANNING Determining the amount of protection you and your loved ones may need to secure the assets you’ve worked hard to earn. Partners Brian Diffily Investment Advisor Repr esentative and Brian Hartmann Certified Financial Planner